What is IPTABLES ?

To begin with, we have to recognize what is iptables. Iptables is an application/program that enables a client to arrange the security or firewall security tables gave by the Linux bit firewall and the chains so a client can add/expel firewall guidelines to it in like manner to meet his/her security necessities.

Linux Kernel utilizes the Netfilter structure with the goal that it can give different systems administration related operations which can be performed by utilizing iptables.

How to install iptables

Currently, Each Linux Kernel accompanies with iptables and can be discovered pre manufacture or pre introduced on each well known current Linux versions

For CentOS

yum install iptables-services


Iptables version

To identify your iptables version, enter the following command in your terminal

iptables --version

Getting all iptables rules lists

To know current rules that applied in your iptables, Just enter the below command

iptables -L


If there are no rules applied means it simply shows like below image. In that image you can see the three chains and they are INPUT, FORWARD, OUTPUT .



To identify the status of the chains of your iptables firewall.

iptables -S

Clear all iptables rules

To clear or flush all the rules from your iptables firewall. please enter the below command

iptables -F

To flush particular chain alone means you have to enter the below command

iptables -F INPUT

iptables -F OUTPUT

iptables -F FORWARD


Accept or drop chains

To apply the accept or drop rules in your iptables for particular chain enter the below command

iptables --policy INPUT DROP

To revert back again to accept enter the below command

iptables –policy INPUT ACCEPT

Same for other chains also

iptables --policy OUTPUT DROP
iptables --policy FORWARD DROP

Allowing any port

Generally web server use port no 80, that your iptables firewall must allow web server port number

You can use below command for web server accept

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT

Same thing for allowing SSH port also. SSH port runs on 22, You can modify the command as below

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT

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