Have you forgotten your WordPress password and now want to recover the lost password ? WordPress makes it super easy to recover a lost password securely. In this article , we will show you how to easily recover your lost password in WordPress.
Advanced level WordPress users can also reset WordPress password from phpMyAdmin
Another method is Recover password by email verification
First, go to the login screen of your WordPress blog. The login page of your WordPress blog is located at
Replace, www.example.com with your websites address. Your WordPress login screen has a Lost your password ? link just below the login form
Click on Lost your password ? link. This will take you to another page where you will be asked to provide your WordPress username or email address.
Enter the username you use to log into your WordPress blog. You can also provide the email address you have during the installation or registration on your WordPress blog. After entering the username or email address, click the Get New Password button.
Once you have entered a valid username or email address , WordPress will send an email to the email address associated with that account. It will also show you ” Check your email for the confirmation link” notification on the login screen.
Check your email inbox,there will be an email .Wait for a minutes if you do not immediately see the email in your inbox. if you still do not see an email , then check your Spam or Junk Mil folder.
When you get the email, it will have a message similar to the following
Someone requested that the password be reset for the following account: http://www.your-website-url.com/ Username: your-username If this was a mistake, just ignore this email and nothing will happen. To reset your password, visit the following address: <http://www.your-website-url.com/wp-login.php?action=rp&key=xxxyyyzzz1112223&login=your-username>
Click on the second link to reset your password. This link take you back to your website and will allow you to enter a new password for your WordPress account.
WordPress will automatically generate a strong password for you. You can change that to use your own strong password.
Once you have entered a password ,press the Reset password button. You will see a notification “You password has been reset. log in”.
Congratulation, you have successfully reset your WordPress password. Click on “Login ” link to sign in to your WordPress password.